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05-11/10/2018 - Training Course | Communication for Cooperation in Youth Work (Ιταλία)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιούλιος 8, 2018

This project is the second edition of the TC C4C, held in October 2017 in Lisbon, organised by Ha Moment and managed together with Associazione Agrado.

The first edition arose from the shared reflection on Youth workers skills and on the highlighted lack of effective communication skills in Youth workers and organisations.

This edition aims to improve and refine the communication skills (and their connections with relationships and values) of Youth workers and organisations providing them competences, tools and methods to address their work to marginalised youth.

It enhances the professionalism and quality of Youth work and NFE and raise inclusion opportunities for marginalised youth - especially those at risk of exclusion and with violent and risky behaviours- as indirect beneficiaries. It spreads European values of tolerance, dialogue, respect of human rights firstly among youth workers - as a common reflection, awareness and empowerment of communication tools against violence - and then among youth.

The objectives of the project are:

To gain the knowledge about different forms, strategies, norms and mistakes of communication;
To gain practical skills of communication to be used in working with diversity and inclusion;
To experience the barriers of cooperation and learn from them strategies to cope in a daily life situations;
To learn how to give and receive feedback;
To gain skills of empathic communication and adapt it to use within diverse groups;
To gain skills of Transactional Analysis;
To acquire competencies of public speaking
To trigger discussion about values and human rights and how positive communication skills can open everyone to share common fundamental values of our society: freedom, tolerance and respect;
To plan follow-up sessions about communication for cooperation in each partner country;
To enhance Non Formal education methods and recognition of NFE learnings producing blog posts ‘how to communicate to cooperate’
To facilitate the creation of partnership for further projects among the organisations (through the positive exchange among the organisations);
To strengthen participants and organisations competences and capability in youth work and international dimension and cooperation.

This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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