The international training course “ACTIVATE: Agents of change-the vital entrepreneurs of tomorrow” aims to train and equip youth workers and youth leaders working directly with young unemployed people and disadvantaged youth from refugees/asylum seekers and migrants with essential entrepreneurial and business tools, methods and skills to enable them to contribute to tackling of the problem of unemployment among youth through quality youth work that promotes self-employment and entrepreneurial culture.
The methods used during the TC:
The training course will be based on nonformal learning methods and principles, intercultural dialogue and communication including group discussions, interactive presentations, participant’s lead workshops, team-work, etc.
Objectives of the training course:
- Introduce youth entrepreneurship as a tool of fighting youth unemployment.
- Support youth workers in developing and sharing effective methods in reaching out to marginalized young people, refugees, asylum seekers and migrants, and in preventing racism and intolerance among youth.
- Learn to use youth work to empower youngsters to start their creative search for entrepreneurial opportunities.
- Learn to use non-formal education to support current and future job-seekers to be pro-active and able to apply entrepreneurial approach into career development.
- Develop online portal with tools for starting Entrepreneurship Focused Youth Work with Marginalized Young People, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants”
Profile of the participants:
-Aged 18 and older.
-At least basic knowledge of the role of youth work.
-Knowledge of the situation of young people in the own country and of the specific work context for empowerment work with young people with fewer opportunities.
-Motivation to take part in a mutual learning process in a large intercultural setting.
-Good level of English to follow the course and to contribute to it.
-Resident of one of the participating countries.
-Available for the whole duration of the Training Course.
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