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11-18/09/2018 - Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα | Hate speech fighters (Βουλγαρία)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Αύγουστος 15, 2018

Project activities will help youth workers in the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be needed to determine the right approach to combat hate speech with young people and reducing the risk of radicalization.

The Project ‘’Hate Speech Fighters’’ is a training course for youth workers, which will be held in Bansko, Bulgaria from 11 until 18 of September 2018.

The project will involve 3 trainers and 30 youth workers from 10 countries in Europe and the Caucasus-Bulgaria ,Spain, Italy The Netherlands, Estonia, Romania, Lithuania, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Together with our partners working on this topic, we conducted a survey among youth workers from partner countries on their knowledge, experience and learning needs in the field of youth work on anti-hate, human rights and media literacy in order to develop this practical training for youth workers who will implement and multiply the knowledge and competences learned in activities after the end of mobility.

The project aims at developing skills to combat hate speech through human rights education. The training activities of ‘’Hate Speech Fighter’’s are designed to address the grassroots causes of hate through education as well as acquiring new knowledge, skills and competences and the exchange of good practices between youth workers.

The methodology of the project is based on non-formal education and human rights education. Project activities will help youth workers in the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will be needed to determine the right approach to combat hate speech with young people and reducing the risk of radicalization.


- Increasing the knowledge and competences of youth workers in the field of anti-hate and human rights
- encourage cooperation in the youth field and encourage development of more initiatives and projects in the field of human rights and anti-hate.
-to equip youth workers with methods, strategies and tools for organizing activities with young people on the topic
-Promoting media literacy and knowledge of basic legal frameworks among youth workers to combat cyberbullying
- encouraging youth workers to become activists against hate speech in their countries and at European level.

The project plans follow-up training and information modules to be organized by the youth workers after returning to their sending countries, which will ensure project sustainability. The methodology is entirely based on non-formal education.

Contribution fee: 25 euro

This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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