“Mind Full Nest” is a training course born to create a nest for every young person coming from refugee background. It aims at inspiring and equipping youth workers to work in a more meaningful way, by introducing the innovative element of mindfulness.
Description of the project “Mind Full Nest”:
Each year millions of people are forced to leave their homes and seek refuge. Many of them arrive in Europe with the hope to live with dignity and freedom. We believe that youth work and non-formal learning activities can significantly contribute to address these needs. We are confident that youth work can empower refugees, asylum seekers and migrants and can increase awareness about this issue within the local communities.
In this context, the project “Mind Full Nest” is born to create a nest for every young person by supporting the professional development of youth workers to improve the level of the key competences on how to work with youth from migrant/refugee background.
The project introduces youth work to the innovative concept of mindfulness. Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment without judgment.
Mindfulness is a great way of realizing, exploring and using our inner resources, our talents, passions and potential. By infusing mindfulness into youth work, we can maximize the empowerment of the young people, especially the ones who need it the most, like young people from migrant/refugee background.
We are going to work on mindfulness using the following elements:
• Meditation practices
• Dancing and singing
• Poetry
• Drawing
• Nature
• Storytelling
Aim and objectives:
The aim of the project is to develop the competences and to inspire the youth workers to work in a more meaningful and impactful way with young people coming from migrant and/or refugee background.
The objectives of the project are for youth workers:
1. to gain knowledge on how to use a diverse range of non-formal methods when working with young people, especially the ones coming from challenging backgrounds
2. to develop skills in using holistic education in order to achieve more impactful transformations in the lives of young people for reaching their full potential
3. to be inspired and motivated to improve their work with young people
4. to create sustainable follow-up action plans that will enhance the impact on young people’s lives both on local and international level
We are inviting the E+ participants to contribute with a 30 euros participation fee.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: salto-youth.net