As Abraham Lincoln once said, “The best way to predict your future is to create it”. Our future is in the hands of the youth, that is in this moment preparing themselves to be the architects of the world. There are many programs and projects that help youngsters develop their skills, and broaden their horizons, and sometimes the focus is put more on the quantity than quality. The journey from a small idea to the final implementation of youth activities is not easy and requires knowledge and skills in both project management and its leadership.
After success of the previous 3 editions of SMS training course with the great result of 60 participants from diverse of countries around the world we will give a new chance to new participants to join Show My Skills 4 that will bring us together in a 7-day Training course, taking place where a spectacular natural exists The knowledge gained during those 7 days of training will be crucial for the development of the participants. In the environment of the common understanding, we will provide participants with new tools and skills that will result in developing new projects and activities for youth in the future. Moreover, this training will be an opportunity for the participants to share experiences among themselves that will further increase the quality of the created projects. By inviting to this Project mostly NGO workers we tend to strengthen cooperation between different stakeholders and to make space for building long-lasting partnerships. We will also encourage our participants toward creating a wide international network that will widen the international cooperation.