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Senior JAVA Developer / Analyst (Xanthi)

Senior JAVA Developer / Analyst
Xanthi, East Macedonia and Thrace, Greece (SJDA/11/18)

EUROPEAN DYNAMICS has a vacancy for a highly motivated Senior JAVA Developer who is eager to work on complex and demanding projects, based in Xanthi, Greece. The successful candidate will join a highly professional team of Full Stack Java developers / Software Engineers that uses state-of-the-art technologies (Java EE multi-tier architecture) to implement challenging IT software projects, for major international public organizations.

Main responsibilities and Tasks:

  • Analyze, design, develop and maintain large and complex web-based Java applications within a team adhering to highly professional standards and methods;
  • Ensure the delivery of quality software according to system specifications, quality requirements and company standards;
  • Contribute to the overall project and system documentation and develop technical documentation;
  • Support business development by analyzing customer requirements providing effort estimations and designing solution concepts - both in house and on site by international customers;
  • Mentor and coach junior developers and undertake a leading role in the evolution of development process and methods by putting forward innovative ideas.

Qualifications and experience:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in computer science, software engineering or related technical field or equivalent work experience;
  • Minimum 2 years of experience with full development lifecycle in a Web environment using J2EE technologies;
  • Minimum 1 year of development experience using JavaScript, AngularJS, CSS, REST, JSON and Web Sockets is an asset;
  • Solid understanding of data structures, algorithms, object-oriented design and design patterns;
  • Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate);
  • Fluency in English;
  • German knowledge is a plus.

For more information you can see the attached file.

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