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Network and Information Security Officer at ENISA (Athens)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 11, 2019

The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) seeks for:
- Network and Information Security Officer

Selection criteria:
- High Scoring Criteria (5 points per criterion)
- University degree in a field that includes information systems, computer science, computer engineering, business informatics or equivalent scientific field;
- Proven working experience in developing good practices or having hands on expertise in key security areas of interest to the Agency (e.g. internet of things (IoT) and smart infrastructures, critical sectors mentioned in the NIS Directive7, incident reporting, privacy enhancing technologies and information security measures, trust services, cyber exercises, cloud computing, cyber crisis cooperation procedures, product certification, standardisation, threat landscape, risk management, CSIRTs. etc.);
- Proven experience in working in a comparable position, with private and/or public stakeholders in the areas mentioned above (e.g. European Union Organisations, EU Agencies, Member States public authorities, European standardisation organisations or relevant private sector stakeholders);
- Suitable certification of professional skills issued by a reputable organisation or association, in areas related to the policy work of the Agency (e.g. a professional certification in such areas as information security, cloud computing, information systems auditing or management, IT services, enterprise IT management, risk management, ethical hacking etc.);
- Proven experience in analysing complex information, problem solving including the ability to identify critical facts/information and to develop creative and practical policy approaches;
- Strong communication skills in English, both orally and in writing;
- Experience working effectively in an international and multi-cultural environment.

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