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Lab engineer position in the field of Wireless system design and experimentation at Athens Information Technology

AIT's Broadband Wireless and Sensor Networks (B-WiSE) Research Lab seeks to hire a full-time engineer to join the wireless design and experimentation activities of the lab. The ideal candidate will be a person with a good understanding of and experience in wireless system design, with emphasis on hardware design. Baseband, radio frequency (RF) and antenna design are targeted. On the baseband side, a familiarization with wireless modem testbeds (such as National Instruments USRPs) is expected, along with a knowledge of wireless physical layer design and simulation. On the RF design side, an understanding of radio frequency (RF) chains and components is expected, including both analog and digital components, as well as circuit design up to microwave and possibly millimeter wave frequencies. On the front of antenna design, the key target is analog and mixed analog-digital circuit design for load control, switching and antenna feeding circuits in general, as well as the prototyping of printed antennas. A familiarization with the software tools used for the design or control of the above components (e.g. Matlab for PHY-layer design, LabView for modem control, HFSS for antenna design, CAD software for PCB design, etc.) will be appreciated.

A basic understanding of the physical layer of wireless communication systems is important, including wireless propagation and antenna theory. Experience in channel measurements / modelling and / or antenna design is a plus.

The candidate should have a proven track record of work on wireless system design on the topics mentioned above.

A post-graduate degree (MSc or PhD) is not required, but will be taken into account.

Contact person: Dr. Constantinos Papadias
Head, Broadband Wireless & Sensor Networks (B-WiSE) Research Group

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