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Study Scholarships, Latvian Government, Latvia (2019)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 1, 2019

Latvian Government is now accepting applications for ‘Study Scholarships’ to pursue undergraduate, master and Ph.D. degree. These scholarships are available to international students for the academic year 2019-2020.

Scholarships are offered to foreign students, researchers and teaching staff who have successfully completed at least one academic year of studies for studies, research, and participation in summer schools.

Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

- For bachelor`s and master`s students – 500 EUR per month;
- For Ph.D. students – 670 EUR per month;
- All study programmes in English at Latvian higher education institutions are not free of charge. The Latvian scholarship holder can use the scholarship for the covering of the tuition fee or for accommodation and meals. Please take into account that the amount of the scholarship is not high enough to cover all expenses in Latvia;
- In limited numbers, the host higher education institution provides the scholarship holder with a place in a students’ dormitory or a guesthouse. Requests for accommodation at the international student dormitories need to be submitted one month before arriving at a respective higher education institution;
- In any month in which the foreign student is present in the territory of Latvia for less than 15 calendar days, no scholarship is provided;
- The Latvian scholarship cannot be awarded concurrently with other scholarships;
- Travel expenses from a home country to and from Latvia are not covered by the Latvian scholarship;
- Scholarship holders are required to make their own arrangements for insurance coverage;
- Scholarships for applicants from one country may not exceed 10% of the total grant amount for study scholarships.
- Applicants from outside the home country will often need to meet specific English language/other language requirements in order to be able to study there.

For more information, please visit the following link:
Study Scholarships, Latvian Government, Latvia (2019)

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