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PhD Scholarships, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy (2019)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Ιούνιος 3, 2019

The international Ph.D. in Human Rights and Global Politics: Legal, Philosophical and Economic Challenges gives you the opportunity to carry out research in a lively and supportive environment.

The goal of this three-year Ph.D. Programme, entirely delivered in English, is to provide an educational path which will enable participants not only to carry out sound academic research, but also to undertake professional careers within a wide range of international, national and regional entities, in both the private and the public sectors.

The ideal candidate is a curious and open-minded researcher, willing to explore the variety of disciplines and approaches the programme has to offer.

The Programme addresses the issue of Human Rights and Global Politics, and is characterized by a strongly interdisciplinary approach, which implies the intersection among the following research areas:
- Agricultural, food and agri-environmental Law (Faculty members involved: M. Alabrese, E. Cristiani)
- Public International Law (Faculty members involved: A. De Guttry, E. Sommario, F. Capone)
- Political Economy (Faculty member involved: S. Collignon)
- Political Philosophy (Faculty members involved: B. Henry, A. Pirni)

Candidates are expected to submit research projects which deal with at least two of the reasearch areas above (the main research area and a complementary one).

Structure of the Programme

The Ph.D. programme’s structure includes mandatory lectures and research activities, but it also envisages the possibility to attend summer schools and to spend research periods abroad (a minimum of six months abroad is compulsory).

In particular, first-year Ph.D. students are required to attend the compulsory classes specifically designed for the programme. They are also encouraged to attend lectures, especially at graduate level, within the general field of their research. Note that – given the interdisciplinary nature of the programme – each student will be required to follow an issue-related course within the four areas involved in the Ph.D (Agricultural Law; Public International Law; Political Economy; Political Philosophy). These courses will revolve around the topics of Human Rights and Global Politics in order to give an understanding of their interdisciplinary components.

Moreover, research methodology courses are offered which will provide students with the opportunity to acquire methodological expertise and to apply it to substantive research in their chosen topic. To get an idea of the classes delivered see the current year courses (which can be subject to changes for the next academic year).

Throughout their studies, participants will work under the supervision of a faculty member who will meet with them regularly to discuss their work and provide feedback and advice.

For more information, please visit the following link:
PhD Scholarships, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy (2019)

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