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5th HIPA Photography Competition: Capturing Happiness in Everyday Life

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Δεκέμβριος 31, 2015

In its Fifth Edition and four categories, the Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Photography Award (HIPA) continues to be a magnet for thousands of innovative photographers from around the world and opens for entries in the 2015-2016 competition. Newcomers will take up the challenge and seek to bring the Awards to new heights. They will lead the eyes of millions of spectators on a quest for beauty and truth, touching their souls with tales of reality and charm. Innovative photographers are invited to submit their best work on the main theme “Happiness“, as well as on three other themes:

- Wildlife;
- Father and Son;
- General;

The four categories selected for this year’s edition of the Award are bound to inspire participants into a journey that fathoms the nature of man in unseen details and explores the subtleties of our daily lives, to capture unique and outstanding moments in time.

All participants must be individuals aged 18 years and over at the time of their submission. The competition is opened for participants from all over the world.

The HIPA Competition 2015-2016 grand prize is $120,000! Five prizes will be awarded in each competition category. Two special awards — an appreciation and a research/report award — will also be announced.

Further details:


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