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Seminar: "A society for all, still a dream? Youth participation, E-participation, Intercultural dialogue and youth work" in Italy

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Απρίλιος 7, 2019

6-11 May 2019 | Cagliari, Italy

The seminar aims at bringing together youth workers and youth leaders that are involved in projects of youth participation.

The expected learning outcomes include the necessary competencies and tools in order to work effectively with youth, empowering them to take initiative.The activity will enable participants to gain knowledge, skills and attitudes to successfully increase participation of young people and young migrants in the existing structures, spaces and mechanisms for participation in decision-making, increasing their sense of belonging and reducing marginalisation.

This seminar aims at highlighting the main role of youth workers, youth organizations, youth leaders, at fostering their active participation and involvement in solving society’s issues, and at finding solutions and new path for giving an answer to young people (local youth, refugees, migrants) needs, especially at community level. That’s the point where structured dialogue and intercultural dialogue meet each other, especially in this time where participation has different contexts and ways of implementation, as for instance e-participation and digital citizenship.

Classical and new Media has a very important role on shaping perspectives and attitudes in society. Without the necessary critical thinking skills and media literacy skills, racist views can easily influence youngsters lifes. How can we challenge this as youth workers and engage youth in their sense of digital citizenship?

Further details:
Seminar: "A society for all, still a dream? Youth participation, E-participation, Intercultural dialogue and youth work" in Italy

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