The Center for Applied Neuroscience (CAN) and the Department of Psychology at the University of Cyprus is offering:
- Positions for 3 PhD students in a project aiming to study neurodevelopmental disorders. The purpose of the Neo- PRISM-C ETN is three - fold. First, it seeks to train ESRs in applying the Research Domain Criteria, a novel framework for understanding psychopathology, to the study of the mechanisms and treatments of NDD. Second, it aims to train ESRs from multiple disciplines (psychology, neuroscience, data science) in state -of-the-art and transferable skills for innovating the study of brain -behavior relationships in NDD, in the context of a systems - based. trans-diagnostic theoretical frame.
Applicants from all relevant academic disciplines are encouraged to apply, including psychology, neuroscience, data science, and related disciplines. The selected doctoral students will enroll in the graduate school of the University of Cyprus and work towards their PhD in Psychology (for applicants with psychology and non-psychology backgrounds) or PhD in Clinical Psychology (for applicants with a psychology background who wish to become licensed Clinical Psychologists in Cyprus and EU).
For more information please visit the following link:
3 PhD Positions, University of Cyprus, Cyprus (2019)