Would you like to become part of a new generation of landscape managers? Would you like to be employed and trained as a PhD researcher and to work, with a prestigious European fellowship, in an international and multidisciplinary team of researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of landscape history and management? Then, the TERRANOVA partners would like to hear from you. Apply for the position of PhD in one of our 15 research and training projects in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
The TERRANOVA project aims to train Early Stage Researchers (ESR’s) working with policy makers and the wider society with a deep appreciation of a wide range of sectors affecting landscapes, and to form a new generation capable of coproducing responses to the interdisciplinary challenges of land management where ecosystem services, cultural heritage, and economic qualities are balanced and preserved, taking into consideration ongoing climate, environmental and social change.
Would you like to become part of a new generation of landscape managers? Would you like to be employed and trained as a PhD researcher and to work, with a prestigious European fellowship, in an international and multidisciplinary team of researchers, professionals and entrepreneurs in the field of landscape history and management? Then, the TERRANOVA partners would like to hear from you archaeologists, earth scientists, (palaeo)ecologists, landscape managers, and rewilding graduates.
For more information please visit the following link:
15 PhD Positions, TERRANOVA Consortium, Europe (2019)