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School of Transnational Activism in Poland

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Απρίλιος 22, 2019

European Alternatives is collaborating with a group of leading thinkers and activists to launch the School of Transnational Activism, a reflective and action-oriented space, gathering participants across disciplines to experiment and explore how to articulate and enact a radically democratic vision of politics beyond the nation-state.

Apply to the School for Transnational Activism and participate in a series of 3 workshops combining lectures, participatory courses, open spaces and public events, exploring ways in which citizens, social movements, political parties, protest groups, trade unions and others already act beyond borders and foster a new vision of Europe beyond the nation-state. In this first year, we will create together a model for the School that will shape its future and communicate the ideas we generate at the Transeuropa Festival 2019.

Debates about populism, the crisis of democracy and the backlash against globalisation are all raging. But very few people seem to be asking two essential groups of questions: in what ways is the nation-state changing and in what ways has it been surpassed? And what are the most effective political forms to find civic agency in this new context?

Nation-states are not disappearing as some globalisation theorists may have suggested in other decades, but neither are they the best political forms for our future. Fearing our collective incapacity to solve global challenges, citizens retract to the known container of the nation-state; but this only makes the problem worse. What comes after nation-states and how do we get there? This is the question the School of Transnational Activism is aiming to answer.

Read more:
School of Transnational Activism in Poland

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