Fully funded Fellowships are available through the Marie Curie ASSISTID programme in Intellectual Disability, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Intellectual Disability with Dementia. Fellowships are worth approx. €85,000/yr. including mobility and consumables budget.
Competitive proposals will address how quality of life, independence, access to employment and education, social inclusion and service provision can be enhanced through the use of Assistive Technologies. ASSISTID is not necessarily about the development of new technology, it can also assess the application of existing technology, policy, ethics, provision, matching person with technology, barriers to adoption in a broad range of areas including education, employment, social inclusion, community living and self efficacy.
Disciplines welcome: Social and Behavioural Scientists, Occupational Therapists, Behavioural Psychologists, Speech and Language therapists, Life Scientists, Computer Scientists, Engineers and Healthcare professionals are all welcome to apply.
Further details: