The EU-funded ENERGISE project will be organising a conference in Barcelona, Spain, on 15 October 2019.
Held in conjunction with ERSCP2019, the ENERGISE project’s final conference will host researchers to share new insights into social and cultural influences on energy use across different levels of society. Speakers will draw on almost 3 years of cutting-edge research that uses a ‘Living Labs’ approach to directly observe existing practice cultures related to energy use in a real-world setting, and to test both household and community-level initiatives to reduce energy use.
Conference participants will discuss the impact of European energy consumption reduction initiatives, and explore the use of Living Lab approaches for researching and transforming patterns of sustainable consumption. The conference is open to all interested parties, and will actively encourage positive interaction between actors from society, academia, the policy arena and industry.
Further details: 15/10/2019 - "ENERGISE Final Conference" (Spain)