Training Course: "Facilitation Guide"
21-29 September 2019 | Luxembourg, Luxembourg
This long term training course will focus on building on facilitation skills targeting all types of educators working in formal or non-formal educational sphere.
Facilitation skills are often taken for granted, and educators have to learn them, often instinctively, by practice. However, facilitation is an essential generic skill and it is hard to overestimate the importance of it in group (learning) process.
The LTTC will consist of 2 training courses and a local phase in between.
The first Activity is in Luxembourg on 21-29 September, 2019 and will focus on general aspects of facilitation, diverse facilitation techniques and communication models.
Second is the “homework” stage where participants will apply the gained competences at their home countries/organizations/contexts. They should deliver non-formal education sessions for young people from their communities trying out various facilitation styles. This workshops should be organized in cooperation with partner NGOs.
The third Activity is planned in Luxembourg on 3-11December 2019 and will focus on non-verbal facilitation skills, (visual, body language, intonation etc.) when we will explore the visual facilitation techniques that might support the group work process especially working with diverse groups or groups of migrants and refugees.
Selected participants should commit to participate in all the duration of the LTTC, including 2 training course and a local stage!
Further details: Training Course: "Facilitation Guide" in Luxembourg