Each year, the Directorate General for Interpretation (DG Interpretation, also known as SCIC) offers a number of bursaries.
DG Interpretation study bursaries are available to students of all disciplines who have been accepted for a full-time postgraduate training course in conference interpreting offered by a recognised university or university-level institution. If successfully completed, this will lead to a qualification certifying that you are able to work as a professional conference interpreter in both consecutive and simultaneous modes.
you are a national of an EU Member State or of one of the candidate countries (Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey);
you have applied or intend to apply for a full master's/postgraduate degree in conference interpreting ooffered for the year 2019/2020 by a recognised university or university-level institution. For courses that last more than one year, only final year students will be eligible, and
you need to pay/have paid a tuition fee for the academic year 2019-2020 (= final year of your Master/Postgraduate course). Please note that you are not eligible to apply if your Master/postgraduate course is free of charge,
you are registered with one of the following active languages: Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovene or Swedish or
you are registered with one of the following active languages in your course, with a retour into English, French or German: Estonian, Hungarian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak or Spanish
and your passive languages and/or retour language in line with the preferential profiles as published herewith.
The bursary will amount to the equivalent of the tuition fee for academic year 2019-2020, with a ceiling amount of EUR 2 400.
For more information please visit the following link:
DG Interpretation bursaries