TALENT is a doctoral programme co-funded by the European Union, offering 74 PhD scholarships in the natural and life sciences. The 74 PhD positions will be awarded in the course of four application rounds during its first two years, i.e. in the period 1 August 2018-31 July 2020. However, the programme as such runs for five years, ending on 31 July 2023.
The programme is bottom-up, meaning you are free to define your own projects according to your interests, as long as they are aligned with departmental interests and there is qualified supervision on offer at one of our departments.
When applying for a scholarship, you must choose one of these programme areas for the evaluation of your application.
A unifying theme for all the research is that all departments strive towards scientific excellence as well as contributing to meet the industrial and societal challenges of our times such as climate change, sustainable and effective energy supplies, biological production, environmental challenges, food safety, lifestyle related diseases and data security.
Further details:
Επικοινωνία: atr@ign.ku.dk, 0045 35 32 67 98