As an eScience research engineer, you will operate in a team consisting of both eScience Research Engineers and researchers from partner institutions. Your goal will be to develop high-quality scientific software for collaborativeresearch projects.
You will work on several health-related projects, translate scientific challenges into effective and reusable ICT solutions that enable innovative (health) research. Important challenges include improving interoperability between, and reuse of, a variety of data resources, applying machine learning techniques in the context of distributed and privacy sensitive data, supporting user friendly, web-based interfaces aimed to support academic researchers as well as citizen science approaches.
eScience is intrinsically a team effort. You will therefore work closely with other eScience Research Engineers in- and outside the team and facilitate knowledge transfer between scientific disciplines. Good soft skills for communicating and collaborating with researchers and colleagues are important, as are the following technical skills.
Furtehr details:
eScience Research Engineers for Big Data and Health