The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is a multidisciplinary center for climate and Earth system research located in Hamburg, Germany. MPI-M will contributes to the BMBF programme "Role Of the Middle atmosphere In Climate” (ROMIC-II).
For phase II of this programme Max Planck Institute for Meteorology has open positions for three Postdoctoral Scientists. to work in different subprojects of the programme on (a) the role of ozone for the tropical tropopause layer and climate sensitivity, (b) improved understanding of the coupling of the quasi-biennial oscillation of stratospheric winds and tropical deep convection through convection-resolving numerical modeling, and (c) disentangling the role of solar and volcanic activity and internal variability for the early 19th century, present and future climate. All positions involve the use and further development of different configurations of atmospheric and climate models operated at MPI-M. The successful candidates will be part of the Research Groups Global Circulation and Climate (a), Wave Driven Circulation (b), or Stratospheric Forcing and Climate (c) in the Department The Atmosphere in the Earth System. All subprojects are cooperations with other German research institutions.
Further details:
3 Postdoctoral Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology