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PhD Scholarships in Marine Biology and Aquaculture at James Cook University

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Σεπτέμβριος 30, 2020

James Cook University (JCU) is an international University, which is recognized as a leading tertiary institution in Australia and is in the top 2% of universities in the world. JCU is inviting applications from eligible candidates for PhD scholarships under the Research Training Program (RTP) and James Cook University Postgraduate Research Stipends (JCUPRS) schemes.

College of Science and Engineering is one of the 6 Colleges of JCU and is the home of JCU's expertise in Marine Biology, Zoology, Aquaculture, Engineering, Physical Sciences, Earth Science, and Environmental Management, which forms a strong grouping, uniquely placed to tackle the grand challenges facing the world, both fundamental research and application.

Marine Biology and Aquaculture at JCU provides access to a unique tropical learning environment with research stations, state-of-the-art laboratories and the Great Barrier Reef right on our doorstep. Studying with us positions you to understand, protect and manage our marine resources, or to investigate alternative and innovative ways to establish and maintain sustainable fishing and aquaculture industries.

The Centre of Sustainable Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture (CSTFA) is the premier provider for sustainable tropical fisheries and aquaculture research globally. The CSTFA partners with industry, NGOs and government to tackle grand challenges associated with sustainable production of seafood. Our research is world-class, as evidenced by the Excellence in Research for Australia evaluations, where JCU was the highest ranked Australian university receiving rankings of research “well above” and “above” world average. Find out more about our research here: and get in touch to discuss PhD project opportunities.

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