Have you taken time out for personal reasons from your career in science or engineering? Would you be interested in returning to work if you could?
CERN is piloting a programme to offer full-time or part-time Fellowships to science and engineering graduates wishing to re-start their careers. This is an outstanding chance for you to update your knowledge and skills working for up to three years in an international environment at the forefront of research.
CERN is proud to be involved in COFUND a European Commission Marie Sklodowksa-Curie Action to stimulate mobility and career development through fellowship programmes. Through the COFUND programme, we will be offering a limited number of 3-year Fellowships to top-ranked Senior Fellows. Candidates meeting these requirements will be considered for a COFUND Fellowship. One feature of the COFUND programme is the possibility to spend up to 12 months of the Fellow contract at another institute, provided that the work still corresponds to your original project at CERN.
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