The Environmental Science Research Centre (MMU-ESRC) at Manchester Metropolitan University offers up to four fully funded PhD studentships (RCUK-matched stipend of £14,057 and MMU UK/EU PhD student fees of £4,052, both per annum for 2015/16, plus some research expenses), for a January 2016 start.
Interested applicants should liaise directly with the PhD project Director of Studies to obtain further details on the project.
PhD studentship projects available for a January 2016 start:
Project: MMU-ESRC 2015-01
Title: The importance of soil nitrogen in the functioning of tropical heath forests
Summary: Tropical health forests comprise a unique and poorly characterised habitat that is highly vulnerable to disturbance, including increasing atmospheric nitrogen deposition. We will test the importance of soil nitrogen and soil acidity on the composition and ecological functioning of this distinctive forest type through a large-scale manipulative experiment in Borneo.
Director of Studies: Dr Francis Brearley
Contact details – Email:; Telephone: 0161 247 1717.
Project: MMU-ESRC 2015-02
Title: Lichen bio-monitoring and GIS analysis of atmospheric pollution and air quality in Greater Manchester
Summary: This project integrates environmental chemistry measurements of atmospheric pollutants, associated with road traffic (metals, organic compounds [e.g. PAHs] and NOx), using lichen bio-monitoring, with GIS to evaluate and improve air quality in Greater Manchester. The resulting data will be used to inform Greater Manchester green infrastructure and road traffic management.
Director of Studies: Dr Leon Clarke
Contact details – Email:; Telephone: 0161 247 1412.
Project: MMU-ESRC 2015-03
Title: Glacier change and glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) risk in the Bolivian Andes
Summary: This project seeks: (1) to quantify changes in the size of Bolivian glaciers and proglacial lakes over the last ~25 years using satellite remote sensing techniques; and (2) to assess the risks posed by glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) across the Bolivian Andes.
Director of Studies: Dr Simon Cook
Contact details – Email:; Telephone: 0161 247 1202.
Project: MMU-ESRC 2015-04
Title: The impact of urban noise on bird fertility and distribution
Summary: This project will combine national-scale models of bird and noise distribution with controlled field experiments on individual birds testing behavioural effects, and will culminate in a predictive model of the impacts of urban noise on birds. This policy-relevant project, a collaboration between the British trust for Ornithology and MMU, will greatly increase understanding of impacts of urban noise on biodiversity.
Director of Studies: Dr Selvino de Kort
Contact details – Email:; Telephone: 0161 247 1195.
Project: MMU-ESRC 2015-05
Title: Restoring biodiversity-ecosystem function relationships in saltmarshes: do genetic and phenotypic diversity matter?
Summary: European legislation requires restored saltmarshes to have equivalent functions to natural saltmarshes. We do not know if this occurs, but they do have different vegetation. This project will compare the functions of restored and natural saltmarshes, and investigate the contributions to these of vegetation composition, genetic diversity and phenotypic variation.
Director of Studies: Dr Hannah Mossman
Contact details – Email:; Telephone: 0161 247 1186.
Further details: