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27-29/06/2016 - International Workshop: “Preparing for a Doctoral Project” (Germany)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Μάιος 8, 2016

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies (Munich and Regensburg, Germany) invites applications from graduates from non-German universities for the international workshop “Preparing for a doctoral project”, which will take place in Munich from 27 – 29 June 2016.

The workshop aims at supporting students who have finished a MA programme or are in the final phase of their graduate studies to prepare a PhD project, with which they can apply to a respective programme at a German university or for a scholarship from the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, in particular.

The Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies is a cooperative post-graduate programme jointly organized by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and the University of Regensburg. The School is funded by the German Excellence Initiative and was established in November 2012. The research of the Graduate School addresses three broad fields:
- Origins and Forms of Social and Political Change;
- Cultural Systems;
- Infrastructure, Migration and Transfer of Knowledge.

In this workshop, each participant presents his or her idea in the form of a short presentation. In the following phase, students work together with the postdocs to formalise a possible research topic for a doctoral programme within the field of East and South-East European Studies. This could be the development of a Master thesis or something new. During the workshop, participants become acquainted with German applications procedures in various disciplines. In addition, participants have the chance to meet doctoral students of the Graduate School and work on a proposal for a doctoral project with the help of postdocs. Participants can then use this proposal for an application to the Graduate School or for funding applications to other bodies.

If you are interested in participating in the preparatory workshop, submit your application in English or German online.

Read more:
"“Preparing for a Doctoral Project”"

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