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Traineeships at the European Commission - Administrative in - service training periods

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Αύγουστος 31, 2016

The Commission organises twice a year in-service training periods lasting five months for university graduates.

The training periods start on 1 March and 1 October each year.

The purpose of in-service training is in particular:

to provide them with practical knowledge of the working of Commission departments;
to enable them to acquire personal experience by means of the contacts made in the course of their everyday work;
to enable them to further and put into practice the knowledge they have acquired during their studies and in particular in their specific areas of competence.
Trainees are in principle selected amongst nationals of the Member States of the European Communities and of the candidate countries benefiting from a pre-accession strategy. However a limited number of nationals of non-member countries may be accepted.

In order to apply you must:

have completed the first cycle of a higher education course (university education) and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by closing date for applications;
not have completed a traineeship in another European Union institution or body;
have a very good knowledge of English or French or German;
if you are a National of an EU Member State, have a very good knowledge of a second Community language.
A training grant may be awarded to the trainee. The grant is currently EUR 1,120 per month and reimbursement of travel expenses. Accident and health insurance are also provided.
Disabled trainees may receive a supplement to their grant.

Deadline: 31 August 2016, (for traineeships starting on March 2017).

Further deails:
Traineeships at the European Commission - Administrative in - service training periods

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