“One in seven people have some form of disability” (No Barriers, No Borders, A practical booklet for setting up international mixed-ability youth projects, SALTO). This is not reflected in participation of young people taking part in the Erasmus+ Programme.
Key Action 1 (KA1) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action programme focuses on the learning mobility of individuals, both young people and youth workers/leaders:
- Young people have the opportunity to participate in youth exchanges or to volunteer for a period up to one year in another country.
- Youth workers can take part in training and networking activities abroad or spend some time in a youth organisation abroad in job shadowing.
This training course aims to:
- Examine barriers to participation and to help groups and young people to feel confident in taking part in Erasmus+ projects.
- Explore the areas of disability both Physical/Sensory and Intellectual in terms of supports for participation in International projects
- Provide the opportunity for partnerships to be created with a view to implementing future projects through Erasmus+.
Target Audience: Youth Workers/ Youth work practitioners working directly with young people with disability (physical/sensory/intellectual) and from organisations who are in a position to implement/lead these projects.
Read More:
“Training Course: "Breaking Barriers : Erasmus+ activities involving young people with disabilities" (Ireland)”