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Diplomat Fellowship Program for Social Impact, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2015

The Diplomat Fellowship is dedicated to creating and discovering solutions for the greatest social impact, in urban communities throughout the world. The Fellowship is an experiential, relevant, practical and exciting way to rethink our assumptions, our collective genius and the ways we solve problems. During the three-month program, that will take place from 1 June- 14 August, 2015, Diplomat Fellows will be fully immersed in the Flint community (USA), where they will share their expertise and ideas with one another.

The Fellowship allows you to take on an important societal challenge. Sample areas include health care, homelessness, environment, education, economy and emergency preparedness and response. Fellows will be expected to:

- Identify, summarize and analyze publicly available, relevant research conducted to date.
- Create a solution that can be replicated for a well-defined social challenge in an urban environment.
- Outline recommendations for further study and research.
- Make recommendations on policy implications of the research.
- Draft white papers, along with presentations for dissemination to sector

The Diplomat Fellowship provides the Fellows with a stipend of $4,000 and accommodation. The purpose of the funding is to allow the Fellows to work full-time on their venture during the summer. Fellows should expect to work up to 30 hours a week. Fellows will be responsible for travel, meals and other incidental expenses.

Further details:

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