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Internship at the European Food Information Council

Οκτ 15, 2015 09:34

The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is a non-profit Brussels-based organisation that provides science-based information on food and food-related topics to disseminators such as the media, health and nutrition professionals, educators and opinion leaders, in a way that promotes consumer understanding. EUFIC is now looking for a Food Safety & Risk Communication Intern. The intern is expected to help in following areas:

PhD Scholarships for the Doctoral Program “from Molecules to Systems”, Graduate School Life Science Munich, Germany (2016)

Οκτ 15, 2015 07:35

Its prominent location within the HighTechCampus in Martinsried south of Munich, contributes to the enormous possibilities for support, interdisciplinarity and constant scientific input from the surrounding laboratories.

PhD Scholarships for the PhD Program in Molecular & Cellular Life Sciences, International Max Planck Research School for Molecular & Cellular Life Sciences, Germany (2016)

Οκτ 15, 2015 07:30

The International Max Planck Research School for Molecular and Cellular Life Sciences (IMPRS-LS), jointly conducted by Munich based Max Planck Institutes and leading German Universities, is an internationally recognized center of scientific and educational excellence.

More than 65 distinguished group leaders actively participate in the PhD program and offer challenging and cutting-edge PhD projects in

25 PhD Fellowships, Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich, Germany (2016)

Οκτ 15, 2015 07:25

The Graduate School of Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM) is offering 25 PhD Fellowships for students with a background in biochemistry, biology, bioinformatics, physics or applied math and an interest in conducting interdisciplinary research at the interface of experiment and quantitative theory.


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