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10-18/8/2015- Training Course "Creating of Tomorrow's Leaders" (Uzana, the region of Gabrovo, Bulgaria)

Ιουν 09, 2015 15:37

The training course "Creating of tomorrow's leaders" will be implemented in the village of Uzana, the region of Gabrovo. Twenty-eight young people from Bulgaria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Poland, Macedonia and Greece will participate in the project. The duration of the project will be from 15.05.2015 to 15.11.2015., including the days of project activities.

5-15/8/2015- Seminar :The Mountain Challenge (Yerevan, Armenia)

Ιουν 09, 2015 15:33

This conference "The Mountain Challenge” aims to gather youth workers and youth leaders from 6 countries (Norway, Armenia, Georgia, Czech Republic, Italy and Cyprus) between 5-15 August 2015 in Armenia to explore the concept of healthy living and ecological awareness.

Unforgettable intercultural experience!
The Conference aims to provide an unforgettable and rich intercultural experience where people from different countries and culture bring their touch and insights creating a synergy of learning and new friendships.

4-9/9/2015-A Common Word Among the Youth – Fully Funded Programme (Rabat, Morocco)

Μάιος 29, 2015 12:06

Deadline: 10 June 2015
Open to: young people aged 18-35 who are to promote religious and cultural harmony
Venue: 4 – 9 September 2015, Rabat, Morocco

Global In Fellowship: International Youth Project in Berlin

Μάιος 25, 2015 11:19

Global-In Fellowship (GIF) is a three-week international youth project, providing its participants with an opportunity to develop a commitment to international cooperation, and to enhance diplomatic as well as leaderships skills. After a cultural program on the arrival weekend, the workshop-week begins. Four workshops will be held based on the following topics: politics, economics, media and law. The evening program of the first week will train your rhetorical skills.


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