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20-25/10/2015-International Rural Regions - Youth Work on the Countryside (Kokkola, Nykarleby, Kälviä, Lapua, Finland)

Ιουν 30, 2015 09:41

The study visit will gather together youth workers from small scale towns, rural areas and little villages to have a look at Finnish good practices that help the countryside to be more international.

We will have a base camp in Youth Centre Villa Elba in a small town of Kokkola on the Western Coast of Finland. From there we will make visits to villages and other small places and see what kind of practices youth workers have to give their young people an opportunity to meet diversity and Europe in projects.

6-11/10/2015- Training Course "ATOQ FR - Advanced Training on Quality" (La Rochelle , France)

Ιουν 30, 2015 09:38

The aim of the ATOQ is to support youth workers/leaders in increasing the quality of the European youth exchanges they set up within the Erasmus + Youth Programme.

The ATOQ training course will provide the participants with opportunities to:

1. Critically reflect upon their previous international youth exchange experience(s) and the impact on young people, organisations and wider community

7-11/9/2015-Seminar "10th Economic Forum of Young Leaders" (Nowy Sącz, Poland)

Ιουν 30, 2015 09:16

350 young leaders from 42 countries will meet in Poland for the 10th time to debate on the future of Europe. Debates of young people with representatives of social, political and business life aim at creating innovative ideas for the continent. During mutual discussions and workshops new ideas are developed, new inspirations are created and new decisions on taking mutual actions are made. They are meant to generate a change in the future. It is at the Economic Forum of young Leaders that future elites acquire and share their knowledge.

22-29/10/2015-Seminar "From Field to Europe" (Mollina (Málaga), Spain)

Ιουν 30, 2015 09:14

From Field to Europe 2015 will be 3rd edition of a seminar focused in entrepreneurship experiences in rural areas. We meet people who developed initiatives in different areas as agriculture, cultural and thermal tourism, therapy with horses or science research centres. Also participants have a good chance to exchange their own projects at local level.

The aim is to improve youth employability of rural areas in Europe through their empowerment and learning experiences.


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