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17-23/5/2015- Training Course: IN BETWEEN - Supporting youngsters in transition childhood to adulthood (Reichenau a.d. Rax, Austria)

Μαρ 10, 2015 15:06

Training course for youth workers, social workers and others who are working with young people in transition from childhood to adult and who are asking themselves how to support young people in a more holistic way.
• What does it mean to be adult?
• What does childhood mean?
• How does the journey from childhood to adulthood work?
• How do I know when my youngsters are in this journey?
• What questions can help me to support the transition of the young people I´m working with?
• What are the limits of youth work in supporting transition?

4-8/5/2015- Training Course: Social Inclusion and Intercultural Learning through Sports (Chaves, Portugal)

Μαρ 10, 2015 15:03

Sport is a new feature of the Erasmus+ programme, how can we use sport to enhance youngster’s participation and promote social inclusion but also to tackle intercultural learning. Indeed, sport allows more easily an intercultural context. When it comes to sport it is easier to interact with others, promoting social inclusion, as everyone goes with the same goal or objectives at the same time, sport can also create a climate of racism.
How come that sport can create this 2 antinomic behavior?

23-27/4/2015- Training Course: We are accredited for EVS...What is next? (CEULAJ – Mollina (Málaga), Spain)

Μαρ 10, 2015 14:53

We are accredited for EVS... What is next? is a non-formal education Training Course Activity that aims to support professionals responsible for the management of EVS projects and activities within organizations recently accredited or have applied for accreditation (EVS Sending, Host and/or Coordinating).

7-11/5/2015- Training Course: You(th) can do it! Supporting active participation and learning in Erasmus+ youth projects (Tallinn, Estonia)

Μαρ 10, 2015 14:47

This 5 day training course provides youth workers with the necessary tools to support the active participation and non-formal learning of young people during the implementation of Erasmus+ youth projects.
Have you been contemplating about or struggling with the following issues in your everyday youth work practice?


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