On December 7th, 2020, will take place the 2st Speaker Series out of four to be carried out in the next months, in the scope of our Online Thinkathon Challenge #2.
Due to systematic oppression of women and LGBTQS2AI individuals, the gender employment gap in the technology sector is concerning. Men have always dominated the number of jobs in this sector, as well as earning higher pay than other genders. Furthermore, the women and the LGBTQS2AI individuals who are in this work force, do not get the same opportunities and leadership roles that men typically do. How can we ensure that women and LGBTQS2AI individuals receive equal opportunities and pay in all work forces? How can technology aid in this equality gap?
When: December 7th, 2020, 12pm EDT / 6pm CET
Where: Online and for free
What is it about: Our Digital Future: Mind the (Gender) Gap!