Training Course: "ClownPath 2.0"
28 March - 5 April 2023 | Tatra mountains, Poland
The aim of the project is development of youth workers competences in field of using clown methodology for social inclusion.
Objectives of the project:
Developing of the youth workers competences in clown methodology as a tool for social inclusion and anti-radicalism. (O1)
Developing youth workers competances in facilitation the learning process using clown methodology and experimental learning approach. (O2)
Developing competencies of youth workers and supporting their professional and personal growth (O3)
Increasing international capacity of partners organization and their cooperation at international level. (O4)
Promoting Erasmus+ programme and non-formal education. (O5)
Promoting tolerance, social inclusion, intercultural and interreligious dialogue (O6)
Increasing capacity of partners organization in methodology and tools for social inclusion and preventing radicalism among youth. (O7)