As part of the 15th European Week of Regions and Cities (EWRC), the biggest event world-wide on regional and urban development, the Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy will be held for PhD students and early-career researchers for the fifth time between 8 and 12 October 2017. The Master Class is a unique format to connect young researchers and will include presentations of papers by the participants as well as lectures and panel debates with policy makers, EU officials and senior academics to improve understanding of and research on EU Cohesion Policy. In particular, it will serve to:
- Discuss recent research on European regional and urban development and EU Cohesion Policy;
- Enable PhD students and early career researchers to exchange views and network with policy makers, EU officials and senior academics;
- Raise awareness and understanding of the research potential in the field of EU Cohesion Policy.
Eligibility - 30 PhD students from the EU Member States and non-EU countries will be invited to attend the Master Class based on:
1) Their academic background and achievements;
2) The quality of their application and the abstract they submit; and
3) The broadest possible geographical and gender balance.
The organisers will cover travel and accommodation expenses of all participants. Participants are expected to attend the full programme and to engage actively in all aspects of the Master Class.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Εγγραφές: 2017 Master Class on EU Cohesion Policy