Six top European universities from six European countries, namely the University of Leuven (Belgium), RWTH Aachen and Fraunhofer/FIT (Germany), the International Hellenic University (Greece), Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland), Delft University of Technolοgy (the Netherlands) and University of Stockholm (Sweden), together with the Greek National Center for Public Administration and Local Government organise a training course for Chief Information Officers (CIOs) in the public sector. The event will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece from 10 to 13 Oct. 2017 and is supported by the Greek government. The audience will be CIOs and IT leaders from the public sector at General Director and Director level from all over Europe.
The themes of the course cover four areas:
- Information Management and Interoperability strategies/frameworks/practices.
- Open Government, Co-creation/Co-production and Open Data.
- Innovative Technologies for the public sector, e.g. topics covering the use of blockchain, analytics, big data, data science, semantics and Artificial Intelligence.
- Digital Government Transformation, e.g. with topics covering IT governance, privacy, security.
The course will be organised in an interactive way with plenary and breakout sessions with hands-on workshops to facilitate knowledge transfer and experience sharing amongst the participants.
Attending the course is free of charge. Participants should cover their own travel and accommodation expenses. Affordable accommodation options within walking distance from the venue of the school will be provided by the organizers.
To attend the conference, please pre-register online. Important: Please note that your registration is subject to approval by the organisers. You will be notified of your registration status by email within 2 weeks from your initial registration. As there are limited places, please register as soon as possible to reserve your place. The registration will remain open until 31st August, unless all available places are booked before that date.
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Εγγραφές: Managing the Public Sector Digital Transformation