How to get more youngsters actively involved in political decision-making? In the past two years the European innovation project EUth intensively researched the field of youth eParticipation and developed the unprecedented digital participation toolbox OPIN, which is adapted to the needs of young people. On the 7th and 8th of December, the project partners will present their results and the final version of the platform at their Open Summit in Berlin. By bringing the public, non-profit and private sectors together, new synergies, knowledge and partnerships will be built.
During the Open Summit participants will be involved in discussions around the questions: How to enable more eParticipation? What can youth participation learn from citizen participation? How to embed new communication channels in (old) decision-making structures? How to combine online and offline methods? Participants will elaborate recommendations for the development of digital youth participation.
Participation for registered participants is free of charge. In the event ticket snacks and drinks as also dinner on the first day and lunch on the second are included.
Travel and accommodation are not covered by the organisers and need to be organised by participants themselves.