EFFORT Partners under the lead of Partner DTU are offering a training course on the use of metagenomics for AMR surveillance.
The training will consist of two components:
- starting with an online course,
- followed by a workshop.
The online material will become available for the workshop participants from February 19, 2018. The workshop will be held in Estonia on March 19-20, 2018 (just before the annual SVEPM meeting).
The content of the training will include theoretical background on DNA extraction and metagenomics sequencing, instruction on the use of freely available tools for metagenomics analysis, interpretation of metagenomics analysis results and demonstration of the potential of metagenomics for surveillance of pathogens and antimicrobial resistance.
The target group for the training are professionals working at veterinary services, food safety authorities and reference laboratories as well as universities and competent authorities responsible for and involved in AMR surveillance. Ideally, participants will have theoretical background in basic microbiology and general knowledge about microbial communities and bacterial genetics equivalent to a bachelor level.
Registration is free. It is strongly encouraged that participants of the workshop previously complete the online training as it provides the basis for the interactive component. More information on the workshop in Estonia, including accommodation booking details, will be available after the registration.
Πληροφορίες - Εγγραφές: cordis.europa.eu