The Global Campus of Human Rights (GC) is proud to launch a new MOOC of its Open Learning Series that within one year has already reached more than 3000 people and is constantly growing. With contributions by lecturers and experts from all the regions of the world, the GC Massive Open Online Courses provide free and open access to highly qualified learning on topical human rights concerns.
The new MOOC on Memory Sites and Human Rights opens on 12 March 2018. Enrollment is FREE and available on from 19 February 2018.
Course dates: 12 March – 7 May 2018
Duration: 8 weeks
Commitment: 5 hours/week
Requirements: participation in 4 discussions and completion of 4 quizzes
Course type: instructor-led
Credentials: free certificate of participation
Drawing from expertise and examples at the global and national level, this MOOC focuses on the role of memory sites in their crucial interplay with historical trauma, justice, the reconciliation process, the chosen methods for dealing with the past, nation building dynamics and the shaping of societal identity.
The MOOC on Memory Sites and Human Rights is free and open to participants (students, practitioners, social workers…) from all over the world who are actively interested and motivated to learn more about human rights; history; memory; past, present and future challenges; transitional justice, truth and reconciliation; design, arts and architecture; civic action, engagement and social justice.
Participants are expected to engage in approximately 40 hours of active learning through readings, videos, discussions, and quizzes.
A global faculty of lecturers and experts will provide rich and varied competences, experiences and knowledge.
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