ESL&NFE is a training course for 22 youth workers and youth leaders to equip them with knowledge tools methodologies regarding how to support the processes of responsible choice that young people can make, career guidance, prevention of leaving school early.
In fact the phenomenon of early school leaving is still an issue for a lot of country in Europe, it’s a phenomenon so important to become one of the main goals of Lisbon’s Strategy Europe 2020, until this date Europe aims to reduce early school leaving below 10%. The phenomenon can’t be contrasted only by the school and in the school, but the experts agree to recognize non formal education a primary role, because they recognize that the training success about a youngester depends on the multiple occasions of learning that he or she lives, and since for these young people the school is often occasion of frustration and isolation, it becomes very important to use non formal education to generate awareness, self- esteem and learnings.
Τhis TC is focused on the following objecteves:
1) to offer a solid framework of the phenomenon on the early school leaving at european level: what reasons determined it, the consequencies, how it manifests itself in Europe, and the knowledge of the main stackeholders involved.
2) To acquire tools and methodologies on career guidance, the process through which the person develops competences and reaches tools, that facilitate a critical position on the reality that surrounds Young people, to be able to make more responsible choices.
3) To fight school failure, without understimating the issues such as self marginalization, a sense of rejection from others, disapproval by family and teachers;
4) to offer participants a space to build networks and synergies at european level to realize new projects in the framework of Erasmus + and last but not least to build further opportunities to work.
There isn't participation fee from participants.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.
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