The youth exchange ‘Woman, Man or Human’ will take place from 01 – 08 October 2018 in Nysted, Denmark. The youth exchange will be hosted by the Danish Intercultural Organization and will bring together 48 participants from 6 countries.
Main motivation of youth exchange ‘Woman, Man or HUMAN’ is to raise understanding of the participants on gender and gender-related issues and to make the participants more gender sensitive.
During the youth exchange, the participants will take part in interactive lectures, discussions, debates, simulations or theater-based activities and they will work on creating series of short movies on gender issues with an aim to raise awareness among young people on gender and gender equality.
Objectives of youth exchange ‘Woman, Man or HUMAN’:
to raise knowledge of the participants on gender and gender-related issues (gender mainstreaming, gender equality);
to provide the participants an opportunity to compare the realities in their countries and to identify steps leading to gender equal society;
to empower the participants to address gender inequality;
to increase community awareness on gender issues through awareness campaign created by the participants during the youth exchange;
to increase knowledge of the participants on Erasmus + Programme and to encourage the participants to take part in youth mobility.
Young people from Denmark, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Romania, Croatia, and Poland.
All travel and accommodation costs are covered by the organizers.
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