The refugee population is, mainly, made by young people aged between 13-30; in Turkey the percentage is more then 75%. Most of those young people have to be educated to prevent marginalization; in parallel to this issue there are no opportunities for those young refugees to participate to education processes in the Youth Works. In additional, youth workers/leaders are not competent enough to provide educational opportunities in EU and neighboring countries, especially in places like Turkey and Greece.
The methodology of the training will be based on the non-formal education methods such as: role-plays, case studies and group work; there will be a space for participants’ to try out their own methods.
The participants will become aware about the refugee situation in their countries and in EU general therefore they will be able to take initiative towards those issues in their local communities. Participating in the project, it will motivate them, in their work, as they are working in their local communities as youth workers therefore they will be acting as change makers.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate