2020 AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy
The course will be held from 10 to 13 July 2020 in Trieste, Italy.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Washington, DC, USA, and The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), Trieste, Italy, are seeking candidates to participate in the AAAS-TWAS Course on Science Diplomacy to be held in Trieste from 10 to 13 July 2020.
This course will expose participants to key contemporary international policy issues relating to science, technology, environment and health, while providing an overview of how technical information has contributed to different policy developments and international structures. Another focus of the course will be a better understanding of, and appreciation for, the roles of governments, international organizations and the private sector in complex science-based issues, and how different governance structures are developed to address the needs and involvement of these different stakeholders.