Online Course: "Enhancing youth participation in local and regional life and community through digital tools"
2-5 December 2020
The course intends to value spaces & structures for the democratic participation of young people online, making them effective places for meaningful participation, positive and democratic change.
This training course aims to:
- PROMOTE clarification and critical reflection among participants on meaningful youth participation, conditions, spaces and structures for participation at local/ regional level;
- DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE & PRACTICAL SKILLS for working online with young people promoting youth participation at local/regional level;
- BECOME ACQUAINTED with state-of-the-art of approaches and methodologies that can support youth practitioners and young people to work online;
- REFLECT ON COMPETENCES needed to be able to meaningfully participate in local and regional life and community through digital tools;
- INCREASE AWARENESS on the risks, challenges, opportunities and obstacles of digital participation in the different contexts of participants on digital spaces.