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23-26/6/2015- Seminar / Conference: EVS Mentor Seminar/Formation Tuteurs (Le chambon (Poitou Charentes), France)

Μαρ 03, 2015 16:04

French speaking seminar on EVS mentoring.
Mentoring is a key element of success on EVS projects. For this reason, we decided to set up a training adapted to the reality and needs of mentors and tutors. The aim is to increase the quality of sending and hosting EVS projects.

12-16/5/2015- Seminar / Conference: Youthpass learning agora (La Rochelle, France)

Μαρ 03, 2015 16:01

SALTO T&C RC, together with the French and the German NA for E+: YiA is looking for youth worker, researcher, trainer, facilitator of learning, university teaching staff… - for a seminar on the optimal conditions for the creation of centres of learning.
“Youthpass learning agora” will be a seminar aiming to
- explore how centres of learning should look nowadays to accompany learners in their pathways,
- present and discuss the set-up of centres of learning to develop life skills, which include professional, personal and key competences,

25-30/5/2015- Training Course: Dream Catchers (St Germain au Mont d'or (Lyon), France)

Μαρ 03, 2015 15:59

The major aim of this training course is to support youth/social workers to develop their competences in empowering young people with fewer opportunities to become aware of, and act on, their dreams and visions of their own futures.
For today’s young people – especially those who are NEET or who have more difficulty accessing mobility and employment programmes – the pressure to “get a job” is great - but employment opportunities are scarce.

26-31/5/2015- Seminar / Conference: From Diary to Certificate (Bulgaria)

Μαρ 03, 2015 15:56

„From Diary to Certificate“ is a seminar aiming to fill the gap between writing down one’s learning during the project, and describing the acquired competences on a Youthpass certificate. What is such a certificate for, what can one do with it? What should be written on the certificate to make the best out of it? How should one describe the learning outcomes? What and whom should one keep in mind?
And on the other hand: how to best support this process of formulating the learning outcomes, while respecting the individual experiences and achievements?


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