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11-19/8/2015- Training course "Coaching: investing in the future!" (Szklarska Poręba, Poland)

Μάιος 21, 2015 08:25

The idea of this project is to build on coaching as a tool to develop the participants within the organisation, and a way of developing the NGO itself.

12-19/9/2015- Training Course "Stay Tuned Online" (Djakovo, Croatia)

Μάιος 19, 2015 08:14

Different non-formal education methods will be used throughout the activity, such as: brainstorming, work in group, discussions, debates, simulation, learning-by doing, peer-to-peer process, etc. Project is developed as follow-up of very successful project “Stay Tuned” that was hosted in end of 2014 in Djakovo. STO was created in order to answer this needs of organisations involved, participants that will be involved and other organisations involved in youth work all around the Europe.

13-19/9/2015- Summer School: Museum, Storytelling and Digital Media (Museum Schloss Moyland, Germany)

Μάιος 19, 2015 07:37

Deadline: 12 June, 215
Open to: MA students, postgraduates, Ph. D. students and junior scientists and scientists of design, computer science or cultural, historical and communication studies
Venue: 13-19 September 2015, Museum Schloss Moyland, Germany

17-23/8/2015- Training Course "Project VI" (Swindon, United Kingdom)

Μάιος 19, 2015 07:32

The aim of the training course is to increase the opportunities available for blind and VI (visually impaired) young people in the realm of international non-formal education projects. There are many organisation that deliver this international work but are unaware or unconfident on how to include these young people.


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